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Improved approximation of the general soft-capacitated facility location problem

Laurent Alfandari (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The soft-capacitated facility location problem, where each facility is composed of a variable number of fixed-capacity production units, has been recently studied in several papers, especially in the metric case. In this paper, we only consider the general problem where connection costs do not systematically satisfy the triangle inequality property. We show that an adaptation of the set covering greedy heuristic, where the subproblem is approximately solved by a fully polynomial-time approximation...

Integer programming approaches for minimum stabbing problems

Breno Piva, Cid C. de Souza, Yuri Frota, Luidi Simonetti (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The problem of finding structures with minimum stabbing number has received considerable attention from researchers. Particularly, [10] study the minimum stabbing number of perfect matchings (mspm), spanning trees (msst) and triangulations (mstr) associated to set of points in the plane. The complexity of the mstr remains open whilst the other two are known to be 𝓝𝓟-hard. This paper presents integer programming (ip) formulations for these three problems, that allowed us to...

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