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Ideal CR submanifolds in non-flat complex space forms

Toru Sasahara (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An explicit representation for ideal CR submanifolds of a complex hyperbolic space has been derived in T. Sasahara (2002). We simplify and reformulate the representation in terms of certain Kähler submanifolds. In addition, we investigate the almost contact metric structure of ideal CR submanifolds in a complex hyperbolic space. Moreover, we obtain a codimension reduction theorem for ideal CR submanifolds in a complex projective space.

Il gruppo delle isometrie di un cono aperto, convesso, regolare, omogeneo, irriducibile ed autoaggiunto

Mauro Meschiari (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

The group of isometries of a convex irreducible homogeneous self adjoint cone is investigated. It is proved that all elements of the connected component of the identity of the group of all isometries are linear automorphisms, and that every isometry can be extended as an holomorphic automorphism of the associated tube domain.

Immersed spheres in symplectic 4-manifolds

Dusa McDuff (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We discuss conditions under which a symplectic 4-manifold has a compatible Kähler structure. The theory of J -holomorphic embedded spheres is extended to the immersed case. As a consequence, it is shown that a symplectic 4-manifold which has two different minimal reductions must be the blow-up of a rational or ruled surface.

Immersions minimales et immersions pluriharmoniques entre variétés riemanniennes : résultats de non existence et de rigidité

Ahmad El Soufi, Robert Petit (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous nous intéressons aux immersions isométriques minimales (resp. pluriharmoniques) définies sur une variété riemannienne munie d’une 2-forme parallèle non triviale à valeurs dans une variété riemannienne ou kählérienne de courbure isotrope négative (resp. positive). Les résultats que nous obtenons généralisent certains résultats bien connus de non existence et de rigidité concernant les immersions minimales et pluriharmoniques de variétés kählériennes dans les espaces formes réels...

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