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U-ideals of factorable operators

Kamil John (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We suggest a method of renorming of spaces of operators which are suitably approximable by sequences of operators from a given class. Further we generalize J. Johnsons’s construction of ideals of compact operators in the space of bounded operators and observe e.g. that under our renormings compact operators are u -ideals in the: space of 2-absolutely summing operators or in the space of operators factorable through a Hilbert space.

Uncomplementability of spaces of compact operators in larger spaces of operators

Giovanni Emmanuele, Kamil John (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the first part of the paper we prove some new result improving all those already known about the equivalence of the nonexistence of a projection (of any norm) onto the space of compact operators and the containment of c 0 in the same space of compact operators. Then we show several results implying that the space of compact operators is uncomplemented by norm one projections in larger spaces of operators. The paper ends with a list of questions naturally rising from old results and the results...

Uncomplemented copies of C(K) inside C(K).

Francisco Arranz (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

Throughout this note, whenever K is a compact space C(K) denotes the Banach space of continuous functions on K endowed with the sup norm. Though it is well known that every infinite dimensional Banach space contains uncomplemented subspaces, things may be different when only C(K) spaces are considered. For instance, every copy of l∞ = C(BN) is complemented wherever it is found. In [5] Pelzcynski found: Theorem 1. Let K be a compact metric space. If a separable Banach space X contains a subspace...

Unconditional ideals in Banach spaces

G. Godefroy, N. Kalton, P. Saphar (1993)

Studia Mathematica

We show that a Banach space with separable dual can be renormed to satisfy hereditarily an “almost” optimal uniform smoothness condition. The optimal condition occurs when the canonical decomposition X * * * = X X * is unconditional. Motivated by this result, we define a subspace X of a Banach space Y to be an h-ideal (resp. a u-ideal) if there is an hermitian projection P (resp. a projection P with ∥I-2P∥ = 1) on Y* with kernel X . We undertake a general study of h-ideals and u-ideals. For example we show that...

Unconditional ideals of finite rank operators

Trond A. Abrahamsen, Asvald Lima, Vegard Lima (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let X be a Banach space. We give characterizations of when ( Y , X ) is a u -ideal in 𝒲 ( Y , X ) for every Banach space Y in terms of nets of finite rank operators approximating weakly compact operators. Similar characterizations are given for the cases when ( X , Y ) is a u -ideal in 𝒲 ( X , Y ) for every Banach space Y , when ( Y , X ) is a u -ideal in 𝒲 ( Y , X * * ) for every Banach space Y , and when ( Y , X ) is a u -ideal in 𝒦 ( Y , X * * ) for every Banach space Y .

Unconditionally convergent polynomials in Banach spaces and related properties.

M.ª Teresa Fernández Unzueta (1997)

Extracta Mathematicae

Our aim is to introduce a new notion of unconditionallity, in the context of polynomials in Banach spaces, that looks directly to the polynomial topology defined on the involved spaces. This notion allows us to generalize some well-known relations of duality that appear in the linear context.

Uncountable sets of unit vectors that are separated by more than 1

Tomasz Kania, Tomasz Kochanek (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Banach space. We study the circumstances under which there exists an uncountable set 𝓐 ⊂ X of unit vectors such that ||x-y|| > 1 for any distinct x,y ∈ 𝓐. We prove that such a set exists if X is quasi-reflexive and non-separable; if X is additionally super-reflexive then one can have ||x-y|| ≥ slant 1 + ε for some ε > 0 that depends only on X. If K is a non-metrisable compact, Hausdorff space, then the unit sphere of X = C(K) also contains such a subset; if moreover K is perfectly...

Uniform Eberlein Compacta and Uniformly Gâteaux Smooth Norms

Fabian, Marián, Hájek, Petr, Zizler, Václav (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* Supported by grants: AV ĈR 101-95-02, GAĈR 201-94-0069 (Czech Republic) and NSERC 7926 (Canada).It is shown that the dual unit ball BX∗ of a Banach space X∗ in its weak star topology is a uniform Eberlein compact if and only if X admits a uniformly Gâteaux smooth norm and X is a subspace of a weakly compactly generated space. The bidual unit ball BX∗∗ of a Banach space X∗∗ in its weak star topology is a uniform Eberlein compact if and only if X admits a weakly uniformly rotund norm. In this case...

Uniform G-Convexity for Vector-Valued Lp Spaces

Boyko, Nataliia, Kadets, Vladimir (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20.Uniform G-convexity of Banach spaces is a recently introduced natural generalization of uniform convexity and of complex uniform convexity. We study conditions under which uniform G-convexity of X passes to the space of X-valued functions Lp (m,X).

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