Displaying similar documents to “A dynamical approach to compactify the three dimensional Lorentz group.”

Carathéodory balls and norm balls in H p , n = z n : z p < 1

Binyamin Schwarz, Uri Srebro (1996)

Banach Center Publications


It is shown that for n ≥ 2 and p > 2, where p is not an even integer, the only balls in the Carathéodory distance on H p , n = z n : z p < 1 which are balls with respect to the complex l p norm in n are those centered at the origin.

On a characterization of the unit interval in terms of clones

Artur Barkhudaryan (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


This paper gives a partial solution to a problem of W. Taylor on characterization of the unit interval in the class of all topological spaces by means of the first order properties of their clones. A characterization within the class of compact spaces is obtained.